2022 Tomato: The Musical

Plot Summary

Tomato: the Musical follows the story of a young Tomato who just got brought home from the grocery store. Upon arrival, he is forced to make a difficult decision, is he a fruit or a vegetable? Fruits and vegetables have been sworn enemies for years and force Tomato to pick a side, but Tomato isn't sure he belongs in either place. Throughout the show, visits the Bowl of the Fruits and the Fridge of the Vegetables and makes friends with fruits and vegetables alike. He is able to show everyone that it doesn't matter whether you're a fruit or a vegetable. With the help of his new friend avocado, he is able to end the feud between fruits and vegetables by making them realize that it doesn't matter what kind of produce you are and that everyone can be friends! 

"I feel like I learned how to manage people, be independent, and design a set and make it come to life. I learned the joys of working with the fresh youth of Santa Barbara." -Makayla Siminski


"I learned about all the aspects of pulling a show together. I also got to expirience the amazing community of theatre!" -Tessa McNees

"It was really rewarding to see my hard work and ambition show through this wonderful musical." -Adora Bricher

What Tomato Means to Us

Tomato: The Musical was the Tomato Theatre Company's first production! To honor where it all began we decided to name our company after our first show. Tomato: The Musical holds a very special place in our hearts as it showed us that anything is possible and gave us confidence that despite our youth, we can still make a lasting positive impact on our community.